C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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427 lines
/* asetc.c - misc routines
* parse statement for label and instruction, find operand field
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "as68.h"
/* state types */
#define START 1
#define LBL 2
#define LIM 3
#define STOP 4
/* character types */
#define LIM_C 1
#define LM_C 2
#define LBLTRM_C 3
#define WS_C 4
#define STMEND_C 5
#define CMNT_C 6
#define ILGL_C 7
extern char *stmnt_ptr; /* moved to root */
extern char statement[STMNT_SIZE];
extern char instr[32];
extern char label[32];
extern char *opfld_ptr;
extern char lcksm;
extern char pass;
extern int src_level;
extern int loc_plus;
extern int wrap;
extern unsigned line_count;
extern long loc_counter;
extern FLAG nolist;
extern FLAG lcon;
extern FLAG llst;
extern FLAG lfile;
extern FLAG obj_open;
extern FLAG trunc;
extern FILE *_src[SRCLEVELS];
extern FILE *lst_d;
extern FILE *lst_f;
extern FILE *obj_f;
/* types */
char *nextfield();
/* code begins */
char *sbuf_ptr = statement; /* pointer to statement buffer */
char *field_ptr = NULL; /* pointer to present field */
int field_len = 0; /* length of present scanned field */
register FLAG state = START; /* present state */
FLAG bad_field = NO;
label[0] = label[31] = instr[0] = instr[31] = NULL;
opfld_ptr = NULL;
stmnt_ptr = statement; /* init for get_source() */
/* LIM_C: 'A'-'Z','a'-'z','.' */
/* LM_C: '0'-'9','_',?'-'?,'$' */
/* LBLTRM_C: ':' */
/* WS_C: ' ','\t' */
/* STMEND_C: '\n' */
/* CMNT_C: '*' */
/* ILGL_C: <anything else> */
/* START state */
switch (nextc(&sbuf_ptr)) {
case CMNT_C:
case STMEND_C:
opfld_ptr = statement; /* operands or comment */
return COMMENT; /* nothing here... */
case ILGL_C: /* illegal character */
case LM_C: /* LM_C's can't start label */
label[31] = YES; /* bad label char in label field */
case LIM_C:
field_ptr = sbuf_ptr - 1; /* nextc already inc. sbuf_ptr */
++field_len; /* got 1 so far */
state = LBL; /* enter LBL state */
case WS_C:
field_ptr = nextfield(&sbuf_ptr); /* skip the white space */
if (*field_ptr == '*' || *field_ptr == '\n') {
opfld_ptr = statement; /* operands or comment */
return COMMENT;
state = LIM;
break; /* try again */
/* LBL state */
while (state == LBL) {
switch(nextc(&sbuf_ptr)) {
case ILGL_C:
label[31] = YES; /* got a bad char */
case LIM_C:
case LM_C:
++field_len; /* one more label char */
continue; /* still in LBL state */
case STMEND_C:
state = STOP;
case LBLTRM_C: /* label ended... */
case WS_C:
savefield(field_ptr, field_len, label); /* save the label */
if (state != STOP) {
field_len = NULL; /* starting fresh */
field_ptr = nextfield(&sbuf_ptr); /* get a new field */
/**f3*/ state = (*field_ptr == '*') ? STOP : LIM;
/* LIM state */
while (state == LIM) {
switch(nextc(&sbuf_ptr)) {
case LM_C:
case LIM_C:
continue; /* try another */
case STMEND_C:
case WS_C:
state = STOP;
savefield(field_ptr, field_len, instr); /* save legal instr */
instr[31] = bad_field;
case LBLTRM_C:
savefield(field_ptr, field_len, label); /* save label */
label[31] = bad_field;
bad_field = field_len = NULL; /* going for instr */
field_ptr = nextfield(&sbuf_ptr); /* look for it */
continue; /* still LIM state */
case ILGL_C:
bad_field = YES; /* bad char */
continue; /* try another */
/* STOP state */
nextfield(&sbuf_ptr); /* get to next field */
opfld_ptr = sbuf_ptr; /* operands or comment */
return OK;
/* return type of char pointed to, bump pointer */
register char **ptr;
register char c;
c = *(*ptr)++; /* get the buf ptr, post inc., get char it points to */
if (isalpha(c) || (c == '.'))
return LIM_C;
if (isdigit(c) || (c == '_') || (c == '$'))
return LM_C; /** || (c == '-') ??? **/
switch (c) {
case '\n': return STMEND_C;
case ' ':
case '\t': return WS_C;
case ':': return LBLTRM_C;
case '*': return CMNT_C;
default: return ILGL_C;
/* align pointer on next char other than ' ' or '\t' */
char *nextfield(ptr)
register char **ptr;
if (!**ptr) return --(*ptr);
while /* skips too much...? */
/*if*/ ((**ptr == ' ') || (**ptr == '\t'))
++(*ptr); /* bump buf ptr ???*/
return *ptr; /* value of ptr ???*/
get a line of text into statement. Allows nesting of source files and
input from stdin.
char *
{ /* get a line into buffer */
while (!fgets(statement, STMNT_SIZE, _src[src_level])) {
if (src_level) { /* in an included file */
fclose(_src[src_level--]); /* close file, pop stack */
continue; /* try level above */
if (++pass > 2) return NULL; /* end second pass main file */
loc_counter = loc_plus = 0; /* set counter to default */
line_count = 0; /* rewind for second pass */
for ( ; src_level; fclose(_src[src_level--]));/* close include files */
fseek(_src[0], 0L, 0); /* rewind the source file */
/* err_out(FLUSH); */ /* get rid of pending errors */
continue; /* start second pass */
++line_count; /* count the line */
return statement; /* anything but NULL would work */
/* save the field pointed to by ptr, max field length is 30 + NULL */
savefield(ptr, len, dest)
register char *ptr;
int len;
register char *dest;
register int x;
for (x = 30; x && len; --x, --len) /* dec. x and len each time */
*dest++ = *ptr++;
*dest = '\0'; /* terminate string */
/*** aztec can't...
#undef START
#undef LBL
#undef LIM
#undef STOP
#undef LIM_C
#undef LM_C
#undef LBLTRM_C
#undef WS_C
#undef STMEND_C
#undef CMNT_C
#undef ILGL_C
***/ /* end of preparse() */
send data for present line here, dump when appropriate
line format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
line locval opcd 1st word 2nd word instrct operand field.. .comment field
1234 123456 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 123456789223456789323456789423456789...
[---- ---- ---- ---- ----] [-----------------------------------..]
raw code is sent here as it is produced by the system. this
function will send it to appropriate places, in the correct form.
/* send buffer to all open list channels */
char *buf;
if (nolist) return;
if (lcon) puts(buf);
if (llst) fputs(buf, lst_d);
if (lfile) fputs(buf, lst_f);
obj_out(action, cdp, size)
int action;
char *cdp;
int size;
register int y;
extern long s_lc;
extern char s_buf[48]; /* init first char, room to spare */
extern int s_cnt; /* bytes in current buffer */
extern int s_x; /* index into s_buf */
if (!obj_open) return NULL; /* put into obj file */
switch (action) {
case CODE:
case DATA:
s_lc = 0L;
case MDATA:
for (y = 0; size && (s_cnt < 16); --size, ++s_cnt) {
/**f4*/ lcksm += cdp[y++]; /* line checksum */
hex_byt(s_buf + s_x, cdp, y); /* get them in buf */
s_x += y * 2; /* bump x */
s_lc += y;
if (s_cnt == 16) { /* time to flush */
flush_rcrd(s_buf, s_cnt, s_x);
new_rcrd(s_buf, s_lc, &s_x);
s_cnt = 0;
if (size) { /* more to buffer */
cdp += y; /* skip already done */
goto top;
case SYNC:
/**f4*/ flush_rcrd(s_buf, s_cnt, s_x); /* flush s_buf */
new_rcrd(s_buf, 0L, &s_x);
s_cnt = 0;
case OPEN:
fputs("S0030000FC\n", obj_f); /* header record */
/**f4*/ new_rcrd(s_buf, 0L, &s_x);
s_cnt = 0;
case CLOSE:
flush_rcrd(s_buf, s_cnt, s_x); /* flush s_buf */
/**f4*/ fputs("S9020000\n", obj_f);
/** fprintf(obj_f, "S9030000%02x\n", fcksm);*/
case MSG: break;
default: return ERROR;
return NULL;
new_rcrd(s_buf, lc, x)
char *s_buf;
long lc;
int *x;
long temp;
temp = loc_counter + lc;
if (temp & ~0xffffL) {
sprintf(s_buf + 1, "200%06lx", temp);
lcksm = (temp >> 16) + (temp >> 8) + temp;
*x = 10;
else {
sprintf(s_buf + 1, "100%04lx", temp);
lcksm = (temp >> 8) + temp;
*x = 8;
flush_rcrd(s_buf, cnt, x)
char *s_buf;
char cnt;
char x;
register char *c;
if (!cnt) return NULL; /* empty record */
/** fixed 12/20/83 tnx m hitch */
cnt += 1 + ((s_buf[1] == '2') ? 3 : 2); /* add byte count */
hex_byt(s_buf + 2, &cnt, 1); /* place in s_buf */
lcksm = 0xff - (lcksm + cnt); /* add checksum */
hex_byt(&s_buf[x], &lcksm, 1); /* place it in s_buf */
strcpy(&s_buf[x+2], "\n"); /* terminate record */
/** lc fix */
for (c = s_buf; *c; ++c) /* some printf()'s make a-f lowercase */
if (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'f') *c -= ('a' - 'A');
fputs(s_buf, obj_f);
return TRUE;
given a pointer to an array of bytes, convert each to a 2 byte
ascii rep, and place into char array pointed at by ap, for len
hex_byt(ap, bp, len)
register unsigned char *ap;
register unsigned char *bp;
register int len;
for ( ; len; --len, ++bp, ap += 2) {
ap[0] = (*bp >> 4) & 0x0f;
ap[0] += (ap[0] > 9) ? 55 : 48; /* ':' + ('A' - ':') : '0' */
ap[1] = *bp & 0x0f;
ap[1] += (ap[1] > 9) ? 55 : 48;
gets up to wrap - 40 chars from statement, places into buf.
register char *buf;
register int size, cnt = 1;
int x;
if ((stmnt_ptr != statement) && trunc) return (int)(buf[0] = '\0');
for (size = wrap - (40 + 1); --size; ++cnt) {
switch (*stmnt_ptr) {
case NULL: return (int)(buf[0] = '\0');
case '\n':
case '\t':
size -= (x = 7 - (cnt % 8)); /* 7 'cause loop subs 1 */
if (size < 1) { /* tab would overflow.. */
size = 1; /* ..so cause exit without */
continue; /* placing tab into buffer */
cnt += x; /* fall thru to default */
*buf++ = *stmnt_ptr++;
*buf++ = '\n';
*buf = '\0';
if (*stmnt_ptr == '\n') ++stmnt_ptr; /* make NULL for next call */
return TRUE;
/* endcode */